At Still Pond Nursery Sales, we are a wholesale grower and wholesale and retail supplier of perennials, evergreens, trees and shrubs in Millington, Maryland. With our wholesale production consisting of 130 acres of land, we are able to supply our sales yards with a variety of material we grow at affordable prices.
At our garden centers and wholesale yards we stock an immense variety and quantity of plant material, gardening and landscaping supplies. Our vendors are regional and supply our yards with quality retail and wholesale trade size plant material and products to meet your needs.
With our general background as wholesale growers we understand the importance of and how to maintain the product we stock in our yards.
For years we have dedicated ourselves to producing healthy landscape grade woody ornamental conifers, deciduous trees, deciduous shrubs and perennials to supply to the nursery and landscape trade.
Our employee’s collective backgrounds in horticulture production, wholesale sales and retail sales is our biggest strength. We strive to make sure each customer, regardless if wholesale or retail, is comfortable with their individual purchase decisions.
Our main production farm and sales yard is located in Millington, Maryland. We have an additional production nursery and pick up yard (by appointment only) in Harrington, Delaware and a three acre garden center and wholesale yard in Georgetown, Delaware.

Our success and growth are rooted in our dedication to supplying quality plants, exceptional service and fierce loyalty to our customers. At Still Pond Nursery Sales we understand the needs of the nursery wholesale and retail customer. Get in touch with us today for more information.
Have a question? Give us a call (410) 928-3600

Go to our “Availabilities” page or “Our Locations” page to find the latest wholesale and retail price sheets.

We Accept In Person and Online Credit Card Payments.
Note: Additional fees may apply to payments requiring manual key entry versus swipe or chip dip.

All first time orders will be C.O.D. and product picked up or delivered within the state of Maryland will taxable unless Still Pond Nursery Sales is provided a Maryland Resale Certificate. Payment terms can be arranged after the first order and completion and approval of our credit application.